Concept model | 2019
Compliant structure
Bendable structure with inter locking plates
In the 3th semester we had a one week workshop, where the task was to make a structure with the highest strength to weight ratio possible over a 1,5 meter span.
While all other structures where static, I decided to challenge myself and build a compliant structure. It ended up weighing 290 grams, and was able to hold an impressive 35kg point load. The structure was gradually bending under the first 0-8kg load, and then holding static from 8-35kg before eventually snapping.
With increased pressure the structure sinks and settles when all plates interlocks
Pressure testing GIF, with Mies
I hope that you find my work inspiring and I encourage you to use it as much as you like. I do however demand that you credit my work.
© 2019 Mikkel Frisbæk Sørensen
This website is created with the intend to showcase undergraduate projects of my studies at Aarhus architecture school as well as personal projects. It is shared as an online work folio – and maybe an inspiration for others.